Molecular Name: – BH3O3 or H3BO3 or B(OH)3
Molecular weight: – 61.84
Physical State: – Boric acid is an odourless white solid. Melting point 171°C. Sinks and mixes with water. (USCG, 1999)
Melting point 171°C.
Boric acid is used as a fireproofing agent for wood, as a preservative, and as an antiseptic. It is used in the manufacture of glass, pottery, enamels, glazes, cosmetics, cements, porcelain, leather, carpets, hats, soaps, artificial gems, and in tanning, printing, dyeing, painting, and photography. It is a constituent of nickelling baths and electric condensers, and it is used for impregnating wicks and hardening steel. In laboratory procedures, boric acid is used in the preparation of buffer solutions.
Boric acid is also used as a fungicide and as an insecticide powder. Domestic use may include its application as an insecticide for crawling insects such as roaches. In medicine, it has been used as a disinfectant and is a constituent of baby powders, antiseptics, diaper rash ointments, eye washes, gargles, and a variety of other consumer products for its mild antiseptic property